XML Feed Specification

Transferring information from your e-shop to Magrano can be accomplished in two ways:
1. Using XML Data Files
For the best search results, we recommend using our suggested file format, described in this document.

If you have your own XML file format, we suggest ensuring it includes all mandatory and recommended items.
2. Using API Integration
If you prefer to send product data via API, please contact our technical support team.
Product Feed
Feed Items

PRODUCTS (mandatory): The root element for products, included only once in the file.
PRODUCT (mandatory): An element containing information about a specific product. Each product has its own separate element.
ITEM_ID (mandatory): A unique ID for the product in your e-shop.
ITEM_GROUP_ID (optional): The ID of the product group.
TITLE (mandatory): The product's name.
GROUP_TITLE (optional): The name of the product group when using ITEM_GROUP_ID.
DESCRIPTION (optional): The product's description.
BRAND (mandatory): The product's brand.
CATEGORIES > CATEGORY (mandatory): The product's category assignment. The CATEGORY element can be repeated. For specific categories, you can also include the category ID from your e-shop.
URL (mandatory): The product's URL in your e-shop.
IMG (mandatory): The URL of the product's image in your e-shop. We recommend smaller image resolutions, approximately 200x200px.
PRICE (mandatory): The product's current price.
SALE_PRICE (recommended): The product's discounted price.
MARGIN (recommended): The product's margin.
NUM_OF_SALES (recommended): The number of orders for the product.
STOCK (recommended): The quantity of the product in stock.
DELIVERY_DATE (recommended): The number of days for product delivery if it is out of stock.
DELIVERY_TEXT (optional): A description of the product's availability.
PARAMS > PARAM (optional): Assignment of additional product parameters (e.g., size, color). The PARAM element can be repeated.
For specific parameters, include the parameter name in the PARAM_KEY element and its value in the PARAM_VALUE element.
RELATED_PRODUCTS > RELATED_ITEM_ID (optional): A list of related products. The RELATED_ITEM_ID element can be repeated.

Sample Feed

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                <DESCRIPTION>Product description</DESCRIPTION>
                <BRAND>Brand name</BRAND>
                        <CATEGORY id="2">Main category | Category 1</CATEGORY>

Category Feed

Feed Items

CATEGORIES (mandatory): The root element for categories, included only once in the file.
CATEGORY (mandatory): An element containing information about a specific category. Each category has its own element.
ID (optional): A unique ID for the category in your e-shop.
PARENT_ID (optional): The ID of the parent category in your e-shop.
TITLE (mandatory): The name of the category.
HIERARCHY (mandatory): The category path; optional if ID and PARENT_ID values are provided.
URL (mandatory): The URL of the category.

Sample Feed

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                <TITLE>Main Category</TITLE>
                <HIERARCHY>Main Category</HIERARCHY>
                <TITLE>Category 1</TITLE>
                <HIERARCHY>Main Category | Category 1</HIERARCHY>

Brand Feed

Feed Items

BRANDS (mandatory): Theroot element forbrands, includedonlyonce in thefile.
BRAND (mandatory): An element containinginformationabout a specificbrand. Eachbrand has itsown element.
TITLE (mandatory): Thename of thebrand.
URL (mandatory): The URL of thebrand

Sample Feed

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                <TITLE>Brand Name</TITLE>

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