PRODUCTS (mandatory): The root element for products, included only once in the file.
PRODUCT (mandatory): An element containing information about a specific product. Each product has its own separate element.
ITEM_ID (mandatory): A unique ID for the product in your e-shop.
ITEM_GROUP_ID (optional): The ID of the product group.
TITLE (mandatory): The product's name.
GROUP_TITLE (optional): The name of the product group when using ITEM_GROUP_ID.
DESCRIPTION (optional): The product's description.
BRAND (mandatory): The product's brand.
CATEGORIES > CATEGORY (mandatory): The product's category assignment. The CATEGORY element can be repeated. For specific categories, you can also include the category ID from your e-shop.
URL (mandatory): The product's URL in your e-shop.
IMG (mandatory): The URL of the product's image in your e-shop. We recommend smaller image resolutions, approximately 200x200px.
PRICE (mandatory): The product's current price.
SALE_PRICE (recommended): The product's discounted price.
MARGIN (recommended): The product's margin.
NUM_OF_SALES (recommended): The number of orders for the product.
STOCK (recommended): The quantity of the product in stock.
DELIVERY_DATE (recommended): The number of days for product delivery if it is out of stock.
DELIVERY_TEXT (optional): A description of the product's availability.
PARAMS > PARAM (optional): Assignment of additional product parameters (e.g., size, color). The PARAM element can be repeated.
For specific parameters, include the parameter name in the PARAM_KEY element and its value in the PARAM_VALUE element.
RELATED_PRODUCTS > RELATED_ITEM_ID (optional): A list of related products. The RELATED_ITEM_ID element can be repeated.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DESCRIPTION>Product description</DESCRIPTION>
<BRAND>Brand name</BRAND>
<CATEGORY id="2">Main category | Category 1</CATEGORY>
CATEGORIES (mandatory): The root element for categories, included only once in the file.
CATEGORY (mandatory): An element containing information about a specific category. Each category has its own element.
ID (optional): A unique ID for the category in your e-shop.
PARENT_ID (optional): The ID of the parent category in your e-shop.
TITLE (mandatory): The name of the category.
HIERARCHY (mandatory): The category path; optional if ID and PARENT_ID values are provided.
URL (mandatory): The URL of the category.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TITLE>Main Category</TITLE>
<TITLE>Category 1</TITLE>
<HIERARCHY>Main Category | Category 1</HIERARCHY>
BRANDS (mandatory): Theroot element forbrands, includedonlyonce in thefile.
BRAND (mandatory): An element containinginformationabout a specificbrand. Eachbrand has itsown element.
TITLE (mandatory): Thename of thebrand.
URL (mandatory): The URL of thebrand
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TITLE>Brand Name</TITLE>